How to Start a Drug Rehabilitation Process With Limited Funds

Many drug users want to stop using drugs but do not have the resources for an expensive private in-house rehabilitation program. There are also very long waiting lists for public drug rehabilitation programs. Luckily your local medical centre can often provide the needed support.

Here are the steps to follow. 

Make an appointment with a bulk-billing doctor

The first step in the process is to meet with a doctor and discuss your current addiction including; the types of drugs you have been using, the frequency of your usage and how long you have been using for. This can help the doctor to work out how to best manage your withdrawal and the kinds of additional support services that you might benefit from. As you will need to regularly come back to the doctor for check-ins it's important that the doctor bulk-bills so that you can afford to keep the appointments. 

Plan your withdrawal

The doctor will give you some information on what to expect during your initial withdrawal, which may include tapering down dosages and taking some other medications to deal with physical discomforts such as muscle aches or fevers. It can be extremely useful to have someone with you during the first few days both to monitor your physical state, and to make sure that you stay on track and do not give into the temptation to start using drugs again.

Attend your support appointments

Your doctor can also write you health care plans to give you access to other services at a bulk billed rate, such as psychologists or specialists to manage pain. By using these services you can start to address some of the root causes that have contributed to your drug addictions.

Doctors can also give you contact details for free support groups run by other former addicts. These groups can provide you with longer term support and advice after the initial physical effects of the addiction have abated. Avoiding relapse often requires making large changes to your lifestyle including your social groups, living situation and workplace and it can be useful to be able to speak to people that have gone through a similar process. 

If you don't have the money for an inpatient rehabilitation it can be useful to talk to your doctor about starting an outpatient (at-home) rehabilitation process. They can bulk-bill their appointments as well as helping you to access additional bulk-billed support services, which can make the process as easy as possible and maximise your chances of success.
