6 Signs You Might Be Suffering from Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which your thyroid gland becomes overactive, essentially creating too much of a hormone called thyroxine. Your body operates at its best when hormone levels are kept under control, so hyperthyroidism can be serious. Unfortunately, people often let the symptoms slip them by; if you notice any of the six signs listed below, contact a medical professional as soon as possible.

1. Unexplained Fatigue

Fatigue can be common in the modern world; people can cut into their sleeping time by staying up too late or having to wake up early to get to work. However, hyperthyroidism often results in unexplained fatigue, meaning you'll feel tired even after getting plenty of sleep each night.

2. Sudden Weight Loss

One of the functions of thyroxine is to regulate your metabolism. When your thyroid gland is overactive, too much of this hormone will be created. As a result, your metabolism will be boosted, so you may find it impossible to maintain your current weight no matter how much you eat.

3. Swollen Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland is positioned just at the base of the neck. It won't always show signs of swelling if it becomes hyperactive, but this can occur. In addition to swelling, you may experience neck pain and find that your voice sounds a little gravellier.

4. Changes to Hair and Skin

Changes to your skin and hair are often the first visible signs of an issue with your thyroid. Regular hair growth is dependent on the effective functioning of your thyroid gland, so you may find that your hair feels dry and uncared for. You may even notice bald patches, even if you're a woman. The thyroid's regulation of hormones is also important for healthy skin; yours may appear dry and unhealthy as a result of hyperthyroidism.

5. Frequent Bowel Movements

Due to the changes in metabolism, people with hyperthyroidism may find that their body is less able to properly digest food. You may find yourself having to empty your bowels more frequently as a result.

6. Increased Heart Rate

The increase of thyroxine in your system can cause your heart to beat more quickly, a condition referred to as tachycardia. This often won't be perceptible to a sufferer, but, if you're currently monitoring your heart rate for other purposes, such as for an exercise regime, you may catch the increase. If the increase becomes severe, you may even become aware of the heart bumping within your chest.

Contact a local doctor for more information or advice.
